vendredi 25 août 2017

How to dispatch a message in elm (without an event)

I am trying to learn Elm, and have been trying to work out the best way to architect a scaleable application. Regarding routing, I want to have some simple logic rendering the various views depending on the current route, emphasis on simple logic. However, inside some of my views, I want to change the route depending on the model. For example, in my Players view, I only want to render it if I have received some data from the server. If the request is pending or failed, I would like to display an error page. I realize I could perform this logic inside the Players view, but I would prefer to dispatch a message to the model to change the route to a different view. I only know how to dispatch messages from events (onClick, etc...). Is this possible or am I working outside the designs of the language?

This is my current setup, but I would like to change

Nothing ->

To dispatch a message that changes the route

Core View

view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
    div []
        [ page model

page : Model -> Html Msg
page model =
    case model.route of
        PlayersRoute ->
            listView model.playersModel.players

        PlayerRoute id ->
            editView model id

        NotFoundRoute ->

Players View

editView : Model -> PlayerId -> Html Msg
editView model id =
    case model.playersModel.players of
        NotAsked ->
            text ""

        Loading ->
            text "Loading ..."

        Failure err ->
            text (toString err)

        Success players ->
                maybePlayer =
                        |> List.filter(\player -> == id)
                        |> List.head
                case maybePlayer of
                    Just player ->
                        core player

                    Nothing ->

Thank you in advance for any help!

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