samedi 31 décembre 2016

An html code to a website

I just learnt the basics of html . I wanted to know the different milestones in the development of an html code into a website . I did some googling and came across different pages . I got to know that there are something called as "frameworks " or "platforms " with names like Drupal , Wordpress etc which let websites to be developed in an easy way .

I haven't seen this platforms but I guess these platforms or frameworks run some codes in background which get triggered on some mouse clicks .(Please correct me If I am wrong ). Then I got to know about the choice of servers available and that we need to decide which server we want the website to run on .

Further , there are things like domains and host(These , along with servers, are somethings whose rigorous technical definitions are not known to me) . And I wonder how do we allocate a domain to a website and how do we relate it to a SQL or a DB for its operations ?

So , Can anyone explain in a nutshell what are the dots on the line to take a simple html(or maybe CSS Or Javascript) code into a website(Building from a scratch not by any platform ) and how to join those dots ? ( I hope , phrasing this question like " What does an html code ,written in a notepad need to have to become a website , will nearly mean the same thing ).

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