Actually i want to count number of coupons ( product ) within stores (category) and show them in stores nothing but index.html page.
Here is my
class stores(models.Model):
stores_name = models.CharField(max_length=50)
slug = models.CharField(max_length=25, default=randomString , unique = True)
.....(some stores info )
def get_absolute_url(self):
return reverse('Stores:couponstores', args=[str(self.slug)])
class coupon(models.Model):
cfid = models.ForeignKey(stores, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
cname = models.CharField(max_length = 100)
....(some coupons info )
def get_absolute_url(self):
return reverse('Stores:coupon',args=[,])
def index(request):
stores = stores_model.objects.all()
context = {'stores': stores}
return render(request,'Stores/index.html', context)
def coupons(request,stores_slug=None):
St = None
allstores = stores_model.objects.all()
allcoupons = coupon_model.objects.all()
if stores_slug:
St = get_object_or_404(stores_model , slug=stores_slug )
allcoupons = allcoupons.filter(cfid = St)
return render(request,'Stores/coupons.html', {'allcoupons':allcoupons,'allstores':allstores,'St':St,})
def coupon_details(request,id):
allcoupons = get_object_or_404(coupon_model , id=id)
return render(request,'Stores/coupons.html',{'allcoupons':allcoupons})
Here my templates index.html
coupons.html ......
Thanks in advanced
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