jeudi 29 juillet 2021

setTimeout doesn't work on first time in dropdown menu

i wanted to add a hover delay on dropdown menu link, that after a 1sec it opens another dropdown with another links, it adds a class with display:block on hover. My js code works fine, except! it won't display another submenu on the first time.


  1. Entering the page
  2. Hover on menu to see submenu
  3. Hover on submenu link to see another submenu, it should show after a 1 second
  4. It doesn't show
  5. Repeat point 3. and it actually works.
 const flyoutSubEl = this.el.querySelector(`[${this.options.megaMenuSubId}='${flyoutSubId}']`);
        const flyoutSubTriggerEl = this.el.querySelector(`[${this.options.megaMenuSubTrigger}='${flyoutSubId}']`);

        if (flyoutSubEl.classList.contains(this.options.menuActive)) {
            if (this.eventTrigger == 'click') {
        } else {
            let timer;
                timer = setTimeout(()=>{
                }, 500);

Does anyone have a clue about why is this code not working on the first time? Console isn't showing anything usefull, if the dropdown should be on display:block from the beggining, then why is this working on second time?

Thanks for help!

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