jeudi 29 juillet 2021

How to access the variables inside a function imported from another page in React?

My goal is to send a large string or an obj to another page on clicking a card. I tried sending the string through Link. But it can't be done since it has more than 4000 characters. So I decided to store the string to a variable inside a function on clicking the card and export the function to the other page. I successfully did it. My question is that: How can I access the variable inside the imported function on the other page?

I tried const {variable} = importedFunction(). But when i console logged the variable, it says undefined.


export const handleClick =(obj)=> {
  const objVar= obj  


import handleClick from '../../NewsWithSidebar/NewsWithSideBar'

function Single() { 

 const {objVar}= handleClick()
 console.log(objVar) /*(but the console is showing undefined)*/


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