vendredi 4 décembre 2020

What hosting service should I use to make a tax preparing/payroll services site? [closed]

Im making a website for a client that provides tax preparation and payroll services. I am trying to find the best hosting platform for him in regards to his needs. He is requesting secure document uploading services, a merchandise page to sell face mask, allow clients to make appointments via the site, and a contact page to send questions (as a form). I looked into Squarespace, Wix, Wordpress, and TaxPro Website Hosting/building service. I am leaning toward using TaxPro since the site essentially does everything for you and has everything my client is requesting, with the exception of the ability to sell merchandise. Also TaxPro is $100/month for a plan that includes most of the services he wants. Can I get away with using a cheaper hosting service to meet his needs? And how do I make sure the site is secure?

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