mardi 1 décembre 2020

Error when calling a function from the child to change the state of the parent

I am attempting to change the state of the parent to something upon a button click in the child component. The issue is that when I click the button I get the error Warning: Cannot update a component (App) while rendering a different component (Quiz). To locate the bad setState() call inside Quiz

  • Essentially, what I am trying to do is have a couple of buttons with statements on them. When a button is clicked the statement that is on the button is passed to the parent state, which in this case is the choices[1-4] and answers[1-4].

My App.js

import React, { useState } from 'react';
import './App.css';
//import components
import Quiz from './components/Quiz'

function App() {
  const [question, setQuestion] = useState("Ready to start?");

  //what question we are on
  const [counter, setCounter] = useState(0);

  //buttons that display the available answers to choose from 
  const [choice1, setchoice1] = useState("choice1");
  const [choice2, setchoice2] = useState("choice2");
  const [choice3, setchoice3] = useState("choice3");
  const [choice4, setchoice4] = useState("choice4");

  // final answer for each question
  const [answer1, setAnswer1] = useState("")
  const [answer2, setAnswer2] = useState("")
  const [answer3, setAnswer3] = useState("")
  const [answer4, setAnswer4] = useState("")

  const nextQuestion = () => {
    if (counter === 0) {
      setQuestion((prev) => "question 1")
    } else if (counter === 1) {
      setQuestion((prev) => "question 2")
    } else if (counter === 2) {
      setQuestion((prev) => "question 3")
    } else if (counter === 3) {
      setQuestion((prev) => "question 4")
    } else if (counter === 4) {
      setQuestion((prev) => "question 5")
    } else {
      setQuestion((prev) => "complete")


  const finalAnswer = (param) => {
    if (counter === 1) {
    } else if (counter === 2) {
    } else if (counter === 3) {
    } else if (counter === 4) {


  const incrementer = () => {
    setCounter((prev) => prev + 1);

  return (
    <div className="App">
      <Quiz question={question} counter={incrementer}
        nextQuestion={nextQuestion} choice1={choice1}
        choice2={choice2} choice3={choice3} choice4={choice4} finalAnswer={finalAnswer} />


export default App;

My Quiz.js

import React from 'react';

const Quiz = (props) => {
    return (
            <button onClick={props.finalAnswer(props.choice1)}>{props.choice1}</button>
            <button onClick={props.finalAnswer(props.choice2)}>{props.choice2}</button>
            <button onClick={props.finalAnswer(props.choice3)}>{props.choice3}</button>
            <button onClick={props.finalAnswer(props.choice4)}>{props.choice4}</button>
            <button onClick={props.counter}>next</button>

export default Quiz

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