vendredi 30 octobre 2015

how to test web services using jmeter without webservices(soap.xml/rpc)request?

when i started testing using transaction logic controller there is no such option of web services(soap/xml)request tried you tube tutorials guides too.

Steps to test a web service using JMeter are - 1. First of all add a thread group. Inside thread group add a transaction controller or any other Logic Controller that you normally use for testing web applications. 2. Now inside the logic controller go to Sampler and add a "WebService(SOAP) Request" sampler. - See more at: te the WSDL URL of your web service in the textbox next to WSDL URL label and click on Load WSDL button. The Web Methods combobox will get automatically populated by the methods available. 4. Out of the method displayed choose the one you want to test and click on the Configure button. - See more at: 5. Now we have to add SOAP/XML-RPC Data. For this we need to use the tool soapUI- a. Launch soapUI. b. Create a new soapUI project and insert the WSDL URL in the initial WSDL/WADL field. - See more at: Now where ever you find "?" mark in the SOAP request, pass appropriate value e.g. you might find some text like "?" in your soap request. You just need to pass the correct "firstname" in place of "?" mark. 7. Our test script is complete now, just add Listeners in your project and we are ready to test the web service. -

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