mercredi 28 octobre 2015

Code a custimizble web page

I want to create a complex form that the user can customize the fields order(actually manager of a big group of employee), type, size etc. And even add or remove fields from it. But I'm not sure how to do it exactly.

I'm submitting the form to PHP from this form and I want the form to get change from the client side only (it can be pure JS/CSS/other client technology) so the manager could modify the form in a simple way.

1) I would like to create a "Structure" file (XML/other) like this

<page 1>
   <option 1 type=text mandatory=true>
   <option 2 type='drop-box' src='' mandatory ='false' dst=''>
<page 2>
   <option 3 type=text mandatory=false>
   <option 4 type=text mandatory=false>

2) and a local webpage form that will load it

<html table>
   <options in page 1 by the type >
<html table>
   <options in page 2>

3) and the logic using JS

<forcing mandatory true and more logic>

Is that possible to make a complex form and let a user modify the instructor and fields order and type like that?

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