jeudi 23 février 2017

I'm trying to have this text fade out on the old text and fade in on the new text

I am trying to have the text fade out but then back in after the new text has changed. I was wondering what might be wrong in my code to where the text appears, then fades out, then back in in a sort of ugly fashion... How can I revise this code? Thank you.

You can view the website that I am working on at

<script type="text/javascript">
var text = ['Sometimes you just have to destroy everything in order to build something brand new<span class="period">.</span>', 'So, we decided to destroy the old way of doing things, and completely redesign Revolt<span class="period">.</span>'];
var counter = 0;
var elem = document.getElementById("changeText");
setInterval(change, 8000);
function change(){
 elem.innerHTML= text[counter];
    if(counter >= text.length) { counter = 0; }

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