samedi 25 février 2017

Add-Member - ForEach Item Get Value From Other Info

I have a PowerShell script, which contain this methods:
1. Invoke-WebRequest: to get my json file.
2. Invoke-RestMethod: to get all ip information from (1).
I want to Add-Member which from $ to each r.users information

Here is My Wrong Syntax:

$r = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri | ConvertFrom-Json
$expip = $r.users  | select -expand ipaddress

ForEach($ips in $expip){

    $infoService = ""
    $gip = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -URI $infoService

    $r.users| Add-Member -NotePropertyName city -NotePropertyValue $ -Force


When I run it, the new member 'City' is not contain any value, it shows this result:

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