lundi 27 février 2017

Vaadin spring boot extreme long startup

I am currently developing a little Vaadin Spring Boot application. All works fine. I have my Spring Boot Application, that is auto-configured to detect the Vaadin UI and all of its Views.

When I start the Application in my IDE, the start Process takes max up to 5 secs. But when I build my final JAR and run it from the Command Line, it takes extremely long. Note: I started the JAR with the command: java -jar at 11:50:00.

LogFile on Pastebin

The Startup process of Spring Boot finished at 12:02:19. Then After 4 minutes, I reloaded the Website where the Application should run on.

From 12:06:00 until 12:07:40 the Vaadin Application loaded and I finally could access my Application.

I am not that familiar with Spring Boot, but what I definitely know is, that the Startup should not take that long.

Does anyone have an Idea, what could be changed that the the Application starts faster?

Thanks in advance for your help.

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