mardi 31 janvier 2017

Web Framework with a good Data Structure

I'm used to work with .NET, I'm looking for something like Django, and I was excited to learn it. But I realized that the data structure is a bit weird. The goal is to work with a lot of data and well organized. Where can have a List of a class and do "where", "order by", etc. Like this:

 public partial class Customer : System.Web.UI.Page
     public class myCustomer {
         public String Name {get;set;}
         public int Age { get; set; }
         public String City { get; set; }

         public myCustomer()

         public myCustomer(string _name, int _age, string _city)
             Name = _name;
             Age = _age;
             City = _city;

     List<myCustomer> customerList;

     protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
         customerList = new List<myCustomer>();
         myCustomer co1 = new myCustomer { Name = "Donna", Age = 40, City = "New York" };
         myCustomer co2 = new myCustomer("Raj", 10, "New York");
         myCustomer co3 = new myCustomer("Art", 16, "New York");
         testDataGrid.DataSource = customerList;


I'm looking for some framework that can do it, but doesn't .net. Someone know?

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