mercredi 29 juillet 2015

Grid changing in responsive web design

I'm a designer, and I jump from mobile app design to web design, so the concept of responsive web design is new to me, i know the web should be on a grid. When responsive and grid come together makes me a little bit confused.

The question is: I have a 16-column grid at desktop size, when resizing to tablet or mobile:

  1. the grid keeps its amount of columns, but the columns and gutters shrink (because of percentage-based size), the specific element changes the amount of columns it spans


  1. The grid shrinks until it's at the tablet or mobile breakpoint, it reset the columns and gutters' size to its initial state but reduces its amount of columns, for example: tablet is 8 columns, mobile is 4 columns


  1. Create a new grid at every breakpoint.

Which solution is correct ?

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