I'm implementing a drag&drop grid for some images, that can have a rotation, and when I drop them on the grid I need both the image URL and the rotation. Instead chrome always gives me the Image URL and nothing else. I also tried to do this without setting a setData and it still works giving me the image URL even though I didn't set any data to transfer. I also tried setting different setData types (using text/plain and uri/list, in the first putting the rotation and in the second the URL), but it always just gives me the image URL. I'm using react on the frontend:
DragImage component code:
import React from 'react';
function DragImg({src}) {
return <img src={src} draggable="true"
onClick={(e) => {rotate(e)}}
onDrag={(e) => {onDragStartHandler(e)}}
onDragEnd={(e) => {onDragEndHandler(e)}}
function rotate(e) {
let rot = parseInt(e.target.dataset.rotation) + 1;
if(rot === 4) rot = 0;
e.target.style.transform = `rotate(${rot * 90}deg)`;
e.target.dataset.rotation = rot.toString();
function onDragStartHandler(e) {
e.dataTransfer.setData("text/plain", e.target.attributes["src"].value + e.dataset.rotation);
e.dataTransfer.dropEffect = "copy";
e.dataTransfer.effectAllowed = "copy";
e.target.style.opacity = "0.4";
function onDragEndHandler(e) {
e.target.style.opacity = "1";
export default DragImg;
and the DragGrid code:
function onDragLeaveHandler(e) {
function onDragOverHandler(e) {
function onDropHandler(e) {
console.log(e.dataTransfer.getData("text/plain")) // ----> Always gives me http://localhost:3000/<image name>
const arr = imgToArray(e.dataTransfer.getData("text/plain"));
e = e.target;
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