I have 2 methods in 2 different packages, where func B() takes a url reads the web page and returns *html.Tokenizer. But the problem is, it is working fine Only when I comment the defer r.Body.Close(), If I enable it this doc returned from func B is empty.
And it also works if both the functions are merged in single function. but I need them in 2 different package.
Any suggestion or Idea that What am I missing here ? shoudn't the res.Body be closed ?
func (s ParserService) A(u string) (*domain.Result, error) {
doc, err := s.B("https://www.google.com/")
if err != nil {
for tokenType := doc.Next(); tokenType != html.ErrorToken; {
token := doc.Token()
tokenType = doc.Next()
func (c Downloader) B(url string) (*html.Tokenizer, error) {
r, err := c.httpClient.Get(url)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// defer r.Body.Close()
doc := html.NewTokenizer(r.Body)
return doc, nil
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