dimanche 23 mai 2021

shows an error: adminManager.getConnection(p,p,p) , doesn't work. Dynamic web project

package servlet;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.adminManager;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;

public class AdminDBUtil {
    public static List<Admin> validate(String username,String password){
        ArrayList<Admin> Ad = new ArrayList <> ();
        String url   = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/vehiclereservationsystem";
        String user  = "root";
        String pass  ="username";
        //create database connection
            Connection con = adminManager.getConnection(url,user,pass);
        }catch(Exception e){

        return Ad;


I'm a JSP beginner and I'm trying to make a connection to my database "vehiclereservationsystem", table - admin, I already created my Admin.java class and servlet file(servlet didn't complete still), somehow , my adminManager.getConnection() doesn't work, I mean, the class name adminManager is underlined, shows something is wrong in my library or something related to that.

  1. The database software I use for this - mysql workbench 8.0CE
  2. Java 1.8
  3. Tomcat V9
  4. Eclipse Neon 3
  • I will also upload an image of my IDE to show the JAR files I added to my WEB-INF library and referenced library.

My JAR files

  • My other issue is, why isn't there the section called "class path" in the "Java build path".

Java Build path

Someone please give me some support, any support is very much appreciated, I tried to find for forums, it's hard to locate what this issue is.

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