samedi 29 mai 2021

What protocol are we using for streaming, live if the request is an HTTP request that use TCP? How is UDP implemented?

I am currently studying the transport layer of the TCP/IP model, in particular of the protocols that are used, TCP and UDP. The thing I don't understand is if we use the browser through a URL to request a resource from a web server for example playing a live stream so through an HTTP request, in this case, the protocol that is used is TCP instead of UDP, right? But on the other hand in the cisco course from which I am studying as well as the school books also states that the UDP protocol is used for Live Streaming, Multiplayer games, VOIP.

In this case which of the two protocols are we using? My doubt lies precisely in the fact that if the request that is made is a web request through a URL and therefore an HTTP request, how is UDP implemented since HTTP uses TCP?

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