I've set up a skaffold project with a computer and 3 raspberry Pi's. 2 raspberry pi's form the kubernetes cluster and the third is running as an unsecured docker repository. The 4th computer is a PC I'm using to code on using skaffold to push to the repo and cluster. As I'm new to kubernetes and Skaffold I'm not sure how to configure my skaffold.yaml file to connect to the cluster since it's not on my local host.
I believe that i'm meant to do something about the kubecontext but I'm not sure how I do this when the cluster is not running on the same system as skaffold. Would anyone be able to point me in the direction of some resources or explain to me how to set this up. I can currently push the images successfully to the repo but I just don't know where and what to put in the skaffold.yaml file to get it to do the final stage of creating the pods on the cluster from the images i've made.
Thanks in advance and any questions please let me know. I'll leave the skaffold yaml file below in case that is needed.
apiVersion: skaffold/v2beta11
kind: Config
name: webservice
- image: node-webservice-app
context: src/client
dockerfile: Dockerfile
- image: node-webservice-server
context: src/server
dockerfile: Dockerfile
- k8s/webservice.deployment.yaml
- k8s/webservice.service.yaml
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