mercredi 24 février 2021

how do i add a 3d object into my website?

I have a google sites website with embedded 3D objects, how do I get a OBJ file into the embed on the website ? the code is as follows:

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <script src=""></script>

            <a-sphere position="0 -5 -24" radius="5" color="purple"></a-sphere>
            <a-sphere position="0 -5 -10" radius="4" color="green"></a-sphere>
            <a-sphere position="0 -5 -0" radius="3" color="red"></a-sphere>
            <a-sphere position="0 -5 10" radius="2" color="yellow"></a-sphere>
            <a-sphere position="0 -5 20" radius="1" color="blue"></a-sphere>

here is the site to see: , I want an airplane instead of the spheres, plz can someone edit this code for me, TIA

the file name is:


alternately if someone would like to help edit it on the site then plz message me and I can add u to help on the google site

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