I'm trying to build a simple web scraper that extracts some text from a web page, puts the text in a json and than my main goal is to show the json on a web page. Right now i'm extracting the text but i'm not really sure what would be the best way to do this if i want it to be shown on a web page. Basically this is the code:
public void searchOnline() {
try {
final Document page = Jsoup.connect("link" + URLEncoder.encode(query, "UTF-8")).userAgent(userAgent).get();
final List<SearchResult> resultList = new ArrayList<SearchResult>();
for(Element searchResult : page.select(".offer-title__link")) {
final String title = searchResult.text();
final String url = searchResult.attr("href");
resultList.add(new SearchResult(title, url));
OBJECT_MAPPER.writerWithDefaultPrettyPrinter().writeValue(new File("results.json"), resultList);
}catch(Exception e) {
That object_mapper just creates a json file and returns void and i want this method to return that json somehow and than i need to show it on the page. Do you guys have any clue on how should i do that?Or are there any other ways to put all of the extracted text into a json and than return that json?
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