dimanche 29 juillet 2018

Completely lost and not sure what to study regarding web & mobile dev

I've been studying programming for a year, and not sure what I should study from now on.

I learned...

  • College introductory level python course
  • College introductory level java course
  • Mathmatical logic
  • HTML / CSS

After studying about a year, I came up with two goals, but I'm completely lost, and not sure what I should study to achieve them.

I want to develop a webpage that...

  • runs on AWS
  • includes web community (thread / non-thread)
  • can take polls and ratings of different entities from users
  • suggest best matching entities for individual users based on their past polling and ratings database

I also want to develop an application...

  • scheduler app for android/ios that can sync with Google/Apple callender
  • which can also sync with Google map and
  • sync & take inputs from massenger apps (such as Facebook Messenger, etc)

I browsed through the web for weeks, and at one point, realized that more I search, more I get confused. So I thought that it would be much better to ask for an advise, and follow the given advice until I learn enough so I can make judgement for myself with given information on the web.

Can anyone please suggest a way for this lost wretched soul? What should I study from now on? What would be a good starting point? What tools should I familiarize with? Any advice will be great help.

Thank you very much.

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