mardi 3 juillet 2018

Libcurl(v 7.60.0) truncates given URIs

Somebody please help me. (I do not even speak english.)

I'm developing simple web client program using libcurl(C/C++).

And in my program, I have to send HTTP/GET requests contain XML to the server.

But I can't do that, because the given URIs are truncated.

The URIs are generated and url-encoded by the server.

What I have to do?

  1. The given uri:$skiptoken=%3Ccookie%20pagenumber=%222%22%20pagingcookie=%22%253ccookie%2520page%253d%25221%2522%253e%253ccompetitorid%2520last%253d%2522%257b8A223002-0879-E811-A962-000D3AA2C0C7%257d%2522%2520first%253d%2522%257b011984C2-3478-E811-A962-000D3AA2C0C7%257d%2522%2520%252f%253e%253c%252fcookie%253e%22%20istracking=%22False%22%20/%3E

  2. curl_easy_getinfo(... , CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL, ...):$skiptoken=
    (The length is 77 bytes)

  3. The verbose message:

    GET /api/data/v8.2/competitors?$skiptoken= HTTP/1.1

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