dimanche 1 juillet 2018

Laravel: \ Component \ HttpKernel \ Exception \ MethodNotAllowedHttpException No message

I'm a newbie to this laravel.

i've followed a tutorial and i've checked that i wasn't do anything wrong, and then this error comes up. in this code i tried to Read data from table Inputs and create a page to Insert Data into the database in Inputs table.


public function index(){
    $inputs = Inputs::all();
    return view('index', [
        'inputs' => $inputs
public function create(){
    return view('create');
public function store(Request $request)
    $inputs = new Inputs();

    $inputs->inputName = $request->inputName;
    $inputs->inputAddress = $request->inputAddress;
    $inputs->inputBDO = Carbon::parse($request->inputBDO);
    $inputs->inputEmail = $request->inputEmail;
    $inputs->inputPhone = $request->inputPhone;
    $inputs->inputJob = $request->inputJob;


    return redirect('/input');



Route::get('/', 'TicketController@index');
Route::get('/input/create', 'TicketController@create');
Route::post('/input', 'TicketController@store');

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