I despair again and simply cannot reach a result, because everyone has this problem in a different context.
I am trying to load a value from a JSON response object and output it into an html input field. The problem is, however, that the value I load is always defined as 'undefined' by the console.
So my question now is: how do I properly read a value from a JSON object?
The method affected is the updateEinsatzort()
Notice: I am totally new to WebDevelopment and TypeScript.
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { EinsatzorteService } from '../einsatzorte.service'
import { EinsatzortModel } from '../einsatzortmodel'
import { NgForm } from '@angular/forms';
selector: 'app-einsatzorte',
templateUrl: './einsatzorte.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./einsatzorte.component.css']
export class EinsatzorteComponent implements OnInit {
einsatzorte$: Object;
model = new EinsatzortModel(null,'','','','','','','','','','');
einsatzortObjekt$: EinsatzortModel;
constructor(private einsatzorte: EinsatzorteService, private einsatzorteServ: EinsatzorteService) { }
ngOnInit() {
einsatzorte => this.einsatzorte$ = einsatzorte
newEinsatzort(form: NgForm) {
var einsatzortObjekt={
institutionsart: form.value.institutionsart,
name: form.value.name,
adresse: form.value.adresse,
plz: form.value.plz,
stadt: form.value.stadt,
land: form.value.land,
tel: form.value.tel
(response) => {console.log(response);}
deleteEinsatzort(id): void{
.subscribe(dataErsatz => {
this.einsatzorte$ = this.einsatzorte$;
updateEinsatzort(id: number, einsatzort: EinsatzortModel){
this.einsatzorteServ.readEinsatzort(id, einsatzort).subscribe(
updateObjekt => {
this.einsatzortObjekt$ = this.einsatzortObjekt$;
console.log(updateObjekt) // Gives me whole object with correct values
console.log() //<<<<===== here I want to have the <<name>> attribute of this value
export class EinsatzortModel {
public id:number,
public institutionsart: string,
public name: string,
public adresse: string,
public plz: string,
public stadt: string,
public land: string,
public ansprechpartner: string,
public tel: string,
public mobil: string,
public mail: string
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