mardi 1 mars 2016

Cheerio scrapping an Array

I have a problème in a web scrapping project here is a sample of the page i need to scrap

<table style="position...">
     <tbody id="leaderboard_body">
       <tr bgcolor="#155555">..</tr>
       <tr bgcolor="#155555">..</tr>
       <tr bgcolor="#155555">..</tr>

for more detail here his the page

and i whant to acced to the information in those tr but i can't archieve it. I can't find the tbody with a simple code like this one and i duno why

var cheerio = require("cheerio");
var url = "";
var http = require("http");

// Utility function that downloads a URL and invokes
// callback with the data.
function download(url, callback) {
  http.get(url, function(res) {
    var data = "";
    res.on('data', function (chunk) {
      data += chunk;
    res.on("end", function() {
  }).on("error", function() {

download(url, function(data) {
  if (data) {

var $ = cheerio.load(data);
var content = $('tbody').text();

If someone can help my with that !

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