lundi 28 mars 2016

web api 2 404.0 - Not Found

Build my web API 2 and it works inside visual studio. So then I deployed it to my local IIS server. But i keep getting 404 not found when i try to access one of the services. The url i call is http://localhost:83/PhoneListWebService/api/Contact/GetContactListByName?Name=sze

iis says the following path is invalid

D:\Deployed Sites\PhoneListWebService\PhoneListWebService\api\Contact\GetContactListByName

The word PhoneListWebService occurs twice in the path so i removed it from the url. Then it said it still cound't find the path. Well there is no folder called API so it will never find it.

What am i doing wrong? I Setup "Failed Request Trace" but all it says is it can't find the file. Abviously API, Contact and GetContactListByName are not physical locations. If IIS needs those then web api will never work.


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