mardi 27 juillet 2021

Why does offsetWidth show incorrect value?

I wrote this code:

<!DOCTYPE html>

  let html = document.documentElement
  console.log(window.innerWidth) // 420
  console.log(html.clientWidth) // 420
  console.log(html.offsetWidth) // 420 = 'scroll' // add scroll-bar
  console.log('Window: ' + window.innerWidth) // Window: 420
  console.log('clientWidth: ' + html.clientWidth) // clientWidth: 403
  console.log('offsetWidth: ' + html.offsetWidth) // offsetWidth: 403 (*)

When I added scroll-bar, I got 403 as clientWidth, and this seems like true: 403px for inner content + 17px for scroll-bar. And then I got 403 as offsetWidth, but offsetWidth must include scroll-bar width. Therefore I should get 420, not 403.

Why do I get 403 as result in (*)?

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