mercredi 30 mai 2018

Notification alerts based on the state of a webpage

My background is mostly game programming with Swift and Sprite Kit. But, I haven't done any Mac programming only iOS.

However, I was wondering if there was a simple way I could do the following with Xcode and Swift.

Here's my issue.

I belong to a survey website. They pay you fairly well for each survey. However, the issue is the surveys appear very infrequently and randomly. So I find myself refreshing the page all day.

I want to automate the process.

  1. So I want to check the page every maybe 10 mins via safari.

  2. If the page contains the special image or a certain string saying new surveys are availiable. I want the page to stop refreshing (otherwise it can make the survey link disappear). I then want a notification on my Mac and all my devices if possible.

Can I accomplish this using Swift? Otherwise what route should I take?

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