dimanche 31 juillet 2016

$watch is not a function

I have angular directive that looks like this

    app.directive('paymentsTable', ['$watch', function($watch) {
    return {
      replace: true,
      restrict: 'EACM',
      templateUrl: '../views/paymentTable.html',
      link: function(elem, attr, scope) {

      console.log(elem.$parent.payments); // array

      scope.$watch(function(elem) { return elem.$parent.payments }, function(value, oldValue) {


It gives me

angular.js:13920Error: [$injector:unpr]

When I rewrite first line like this

app.directive('paymentsTable', [ function() {

It gives me another error

angular.js:13920TypeError: o.$watch is not a function

I also use uglify. So, my question is: what is going on here?

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