vendredi 1 janvier 2021

onbeforeunload works different on Chrome than it does on Firefox. I am looking for any potential alternatives

I am trying to add a onbeforeunload to my code so it fires a message that is sent to a server. I am encountering the following issue:

  • On page refresh, the message is sent to the server when using Firefox. It does not send a message to the server when I refresh the page on Google Chrome.
  • When clicking on links on my site to navigate to different sites, the server gets a message only when using Chrome. Firefox does not send a message when clicking on external links.

I also know that onbeforeunload is supposed to work when the window is closed, you enter a different website and navigate to that. There are some additional cases which also trigger the function. My site does not work with any of these along with the errors mentioned above.

If there a fix to this? If so, what can I do? I have looked around to fixes but I only get fixes where it prompts the user on whether they want to leave the page or not, I do not want that.

Additionally, I tried adding the function call to onclick on my external links but that is not being triggered on Firefox. I am guessing this is due to the amount of time onbeforeunload has before it is cancelled. If so, there a way around this?

Lastly, if this is not possible with onbeforeunload, what are my other options without prompting the user if they want to leave or not.

Thanks in advance!

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