jeudi 28 janvier 2021

The record cannot be inserted into the database after adding a record on the admin panel in django

from django.db import models

class NewsUnit(models.Model):
    catego = models.CharField(max_length=10,null=False)
    nickname = models.CharField(max_length=20,null=False)
    title = models.CharField(max_length=50,null=False)
    message = models.TextField(null=False)
    pubtime = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True)
    enabled = models.BooleanField(default=False)
    press = models.IntegerField(default=0)

    def __str__(self):
        return self.title

from django.shortcuts import render
from newsapp import models
import math

# Create your views here.
page1 = 1

def index(request,pageindex=None):
    global page1
    pagesize = 8
    newsall = models.NewsUnit.objects.all().order_by('-id')
    datasize = len(newsall)
    totpage = math.ceil(datasize/pagesize)
    if pageindex == None:
        page1 = 1
        newsunits = models.NewsUnit.objects.filter(enabled=True).order_by('-id')[:pagesize]
    elif pageindex == '1':
        start = (page1-2)*pagesize
        if start >= 0:
            newsunits = models.NewsUnit.objects.filter(enabled=True).order_by('-id')[start:(start+pagesize)]
            page1 -= 1
    elif pageindex == '2':
        start = page1*pagesize
        if start < datasize:
            newsunits = models.NewsUnit.objects.filter(enabled=True).order_by('-id')[start:(start+pagesize)]
            page1 += 1
    elif pageindex == '3':
        start = (page1-1)*pagesize
        if start < datasize:
            newsunits = models.NewsUnit.objects.filter(enabled=True).order_by('-id')[start:(start+pagesize)]

    currentpage = page1
    return render(request,'index.html',locals())

def detail(request, detailid=None):
    unit = models.NewsUnit.objects.get(id=detailid)
    category = unit.catego
    title = unit.title
    pubtime = unit.pubtime
    nickname = unit.nickname
    message = unit.message += 1  
    return render(request, "detail.html", locals())

from django.contrib import admin
from django.urls import path
from newsapp import views

urlpatterns = [

For this django project, I would like to insert the new record on the database list after adding a record from the admin panel. It works if I clicked save record in the admin panel but however the current new record cannot be added into the database on May I ask if I would like to have the record being inserted anything I am missing?

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