mardi 26 mai 2020

Convert C# desktop application to Blazor web application

One possible topic of my bachelor thesis could be to convert an existing C# desktop application to a Blazor Web Application.

As I have never really programmed anything web related beside some tries on simple websites, I have no idea if it´s even possible what I´ve planned to do. I would be really grateful, if somebody could explain to me if it´s possible or if I´m just crazy thinking this would work.

The current situation is the following: In our department, we have multiple PCs running a simulation program. For this simulation program we have written a C# program, which allows us to control the simulation program (e. g. setting/resetting values) via a C#-API which was programmed by the manufacturer of the simulation program.

Everything works great, but we have to install our C# program on every PC which runs the simulation program. To update the C# program on every PC can be a very haunting task.

Some weeks ago I learned of Blazor, which let´s you create web applications with a C# Backend. This would be the ultimate solution, because we maybe could run the program with a new HTML UI only in the browser on each PC, and don´t have it to be installed on each and every one of the PCs. And we possibly could reuse some of the C# code we currently use.

But then I realized that it maybe couldn´t even work, because the Blazor program would have to communicate with the simulation program, which is installed on every PC individually. I know that on some websites you can open file dialogs, which shows that web applications can control something on your PC, but I´m not sure, if such a web application could be integrated in a way that it can control the simulation programm using the C# API, or if this isn´t even possible.

Thank you for your answers!

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