Hello these code does request to Steam Web API
const request = require("request");
url: "https://api.steampowered.com/IEconService/GetTradeOffers/v1/?key=MYAPIKEY&get_sent_offers=1&active_only=1&format=json",
json: true
}, (err, responser, body) => {
And this is what it returns:
trade_offers_sent: [
tradeofferid: '3974708687',
accountid_other: 82613664,
message: 'test message',
expiration_time: 1587017229,
trade_offer_state: 9,
items_to_give: [Array],
is_our_offer: true,
time_created: 1585807629,
time_updated: 1585807629,
from_real_time_trade: false,
escrow_end_date: 0,
confirmation_method: 2
But when i'm trying to get value of accountid_other this way:
it returns undefined
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