I have web service created in C# and i need to create a client using PHP. Since I cannot connect and use functions and methods in web service from PHP i am created my own Web Service in C# and I can manage almost all methods without issues. I can use all method which returns data as list and use that data as an array in PHP. What i can't do is I need to send some data and save it in a database that Web Service use it.
I can successfully send all necessarily data but when i call
ServisSonucOfDenetimKayitSonuc8Zb117hL denkayit = badsClient.AsansorDenetimKayit(dkayit);
method to save it gives me 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object' error.
When I debug I can see all data sent to that method and I can see them on a breakpoint line.
I don't know what else to do please provide me some solution i can use.
Thanks in advance.
serviceConnect(username, password);
public void serviceConnect(string usr, string pwd)
BstbAsansorDenetimServisClient Client = new BstbAsansorDenetimServisClient();
//var myEndpointBehavior = new SimpleEndpointBehavior();
Client.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = usr;
Client.ClientCredentials.UserName.Password = pwd;
var basicHttpBinding = new BasicHttpBinding(
basicHttpBinding.Security.Message.ClientCredentialType =
badsClient = Client;
catch (FaultException<ServiceException> fe)
string hata = "TumIlleriSorgula[FaultException]: " + fe.Detail.Message +
"\r\nTumIlleriSorgula[FaultException]: " + fe.Detail.DebugInfo +
"\r\nTumIlleriSorgula[FaultException]: " + fe.Code.Name;
catch (Exception se)
string hata = "TumIlleriSorgula[FaultException]: " + se.Message +
"\r\nTumIlleriSorgula[FaultException]: " + se.InnerException +
"\r\nTumIlleriSorgula[FaultException]: " + se.Source;
sonuc += dkayit.DenetimKayitDetayAsansorBilgi[0].KimlikNumarasi;
sonuc += dkayit.DenetimKayitDetayBakimSozlesme[0].TseBelgeDurum;
sonuc += dkayit.DenetimKayitDetayBinaSorumlusuBilgileri[0].BinaSorumluAdSoyad;
sonuc += dkayit.DenetimKayitDetayFirmaBilgi[0].BakimFirmaAd;
sonuc += dkayit.DenetimKayitDetaySoru[0].SoruSkala;
sonuc += dkayit.DenetimKayitDetayTechizatBilgi[0].DemirbasNo;
sonuc += dkayit.DenetimKayitSonuc[0].DenetimKayitId;
sonuc += dkayit.DenetimTarih;
sonuc += "<br>[badsClient.AsansorDenetimKayit] [CommunicationState]: Current state: <br>" + badsClient.State.ToString();
ServisSonucOfDenetimKayitSonuc8Zb117hL denkayit = badsClient.AsansorDenetimKayit(dkayit); --> where I am getting error...
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