lundi 3 juin 2019

Angular 8 viewChild returns undefined

I am trying to access the childView instance but it keeps saying the the childView is undefined.

Here is my code for childViews:

@ViewChild(CreateQuestionnaireComponent,{ read: true, static: false })  private childQuestionnaireDialog:CreateQuestionnaireComponent;
@ViewChild(ProjectNavbarComponent,{ read: true, static: false })  private childProjectNavBar:ProjectNavbarComponent;
@ViewChild(QuestionnaireNodeComponent,{ read: true, static: false }) private childQuestionnaireNode:QuestionnaireNodeComponent;

onCreateTerminal() {
        this._hideQuestionnaireDialog = false;
        this._modalTitle = 'New Terminal';
        this._placeHolderText = 'Terminal Questionnaire Title';
        this._terminal = true;


It says :this.childQuestionnaireDialog is undefined".

It was working with Angular 7.

As per my new knowledge, the @viewChild take a flag called static. If we put the flag to true, the parent component tries to get a reference to the childView during its own creation. In other words, we could have an instance of the childView in the onInit() method of the parent Component.Basically a one time access because we won;t be able to access in any other methods.

The flag set to false, is basically the classic way.

The problem in my case, neither options are working.

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