mercredi 1 mai 2019

Need help choosing the right front-end build/bundler for DOM based static assets

Thank you for taking the time to read my post. I am in need of some advice on which tools would be a good fit to build a set of simple HTML, JS and CSS assets for CDN deployment. I have used webpack in the past to do similar packaging, however, webpack 4 seems to be even more difficult to use than previous versions. Particularly, this new version of webpack wants to make everything I minify JavaScript, instead of just keeping it as css. Parcel seemed promising until I realized that it requires an HTML entry point, leaving me lost in terms of trying to get it to generate the HTML files via something like posthtml-extend. I need some help from someone with more front-end experience than I have to choose the simplest and least painful approach.

Basic Requirements

  1. Create static HTML files from a hierarchical set of templates. These templates are simple HTML pages and components that just need basic induce and property support prior to rendering.
  2. Minify CSS/JS/HTML files.
  3. Add cache busting hash to CSS/JS/HTML paths in the generated HTML files.

HTML Input Example

In this example, I would like to start with base.html and create a handful of files with different "content" substituted in from a file or property for each block. I would like to have the generated files minified and have <link href=, <script src= and <a href= tags fixed for cache busting. I would also like control of where these files will be output and the name of the file being output.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
        <meta charset="utf-8">

        <title>App - <block name="title"></block></title>

        <!-- Minify and add cache busting -->
        <link href="/css/app.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

        <!-- Minify and add cache busting -->
        <script src="/js/app.js"></script>
        <!-- Add content block for another file -->
        <block name="content"></block>


<h1>hello world!</h1>
<a href="/sub/page2.html">next</a>

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