We tried to list all docs from an 'events' collection. (/event/{eventId}
) in each event's doc, a property 'users' (array) exists with all user's id in event. We have another collection 'role' with the role of each user for each event. (/role/{eventId}/userRole/{userId}
We have permission to get one event with
But when we tried (from android and web) to make query like
db.collection('event').where("users", "array-contains", user.uid).get()
we got FirebaseError: Missing or insufficient permissions.
Event's rules :
match /event/{eventId} {
allow read:
if isAuth() &&
inEvent(eventId, request.auth.uid);
allow create:
if isAuth() &&
checkEventName() &&
isOwner(database) &&
request.resource.data.users == [];
allow update:
if isAuth() &&
resource.data.ownerId == request.auth.uid &&
checkEventName() &&
isOwner(database) &&
request.resource.data.mediaCount == resource.data.mediaCount &&
request.resource.data.users == resource.data.users;
allow delete:
if false;
Role's rules :
match /role/{roleId} {
allow read:
if isAuth();
allow write:
if false;
match /userRole/{userRoleId} {
allow read:
if isAuth() &&
userRoleId == request.auth.uid;
allow create:
if isAuth() &&
userRoleId == request.auth.uid &&
exists(/databases/$(database)/documents/event/$(roleId)) &&
request.resource.data.actual is number &&
request.resource.data.actual >= 0 &&
request.resource.data.actual <= 10 &&
request.resource.data.previous is number &&
request.resource.data.actual == request.resource.data.previous;
allow update:
if isAuth() &&
userRoleId == request.auth.uid &&
request.resource.data.actual == 0 &&
resource.data.actual != 0;
allow delete:
if false;
The role id match the event id.
In event's read rule we have inEvent(eventId, request.auth.uid). When we write
function inEvent(eventID, userID) {
return true;
the query works but if we try something like
return exists(/databases/$(database)/documents/role/$(eventID)/userRole/$(userID));
return get(/databases/$(database)/documents/role/$(eventID)/userRole/$(userID)).data.actual >= 10;
we always get permission error
We have checked all data and rules but we don't understand why we can get individual event but not list. What we doing wrong ? Can we use get() and exists() for list permissions ?
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