vendredi 30 décembre 2016

Laravel PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class

I'm very new with laravel and i am working on a project to manage images. I can handle the input when im uploading the files by drag and drop, everything right. Now i have a smartphone app, where i can send the images to the server. I can send the images to my server, and save them.

I have 2 scripts for this:

  1. login.php -> checks user data
  2. upload.php -> handels images

The app requires an url to the file : http:\ip\myproject\server\php\upload.php

Now im trying to integrate this 2 files in my laravel project, so i created a new folder under app with the files: App\server\php\files

In my Controller class is a method which takes the info from the images and write them into the database. I use this method when i upload the images on the web-page.

My Problem: When i try to call the method in my php file, i get an error in my apache2 error.log where he says that i can not find the controller class. I tried to include the class, but still getting an error. I don't know what is my error and i hope u guys can give a tip for the solution.

This is my controller method:

public  function autoupload($filepath){

    $file = $filepath;
    $filename = basename($file);

    if (!file_exists('study/images')) {
        mkdir('study/images', 0777, true);
    $file->move('study/images', $file);

    if (!file_exists('study/images/thumbs')) {
        mkdir('study/images/thumbs', 0777, true);

    $thumb = Image::make('study/images/' . $filename)->resize(240, 160)->save('study/images/thumbs/' . $filename, 60);

    /*Split Filename into Tokens
    * Array =
     * 0 = Studienkrzl
     * 1 = ProbandenNummer
     * 2 = Datum
     * 3 = Uhrzeit
     * 4 = Kat.

    //22-10-2016 12-05 Datetime Format
    $filename_tokens = explode('_', $filename);

    $temp = $filename_tokens[2].' '.$filename_tokens[3];

    $dateTime = \Datetime::createfromformat('d-m-Y H-i',$temp);

    $study_krzl = substr($filename, 0, 2);

    //save image details in database
    $study = Study::where('study_short','=',$study_krzl)->get();
    $image = $study->images()->create([
        'study_id' => $study->study_id,
        'file_name' => $file,
        'date' => $dateTime,
        'file_size' => $file->getClientSize(),
        'file_path' => 'study/images/' . $filename,
        'patient' => $filename_tokens[1],
        'category' => basename($filename_tokens[4], ".jpg"),
        'study_short' => $study_krzl,

This is my upload.php


Why i cant call the method in the end of the file ??

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