lundi 25 juillet 2016

Web page calling an Access .accdb program

My goal is the have a web page (hosted on the Internet) that if opened by any Windows Machine running any windows desktop Operating system (Vista, 7, 8, 10) using any browser (Microsoft Edge, Microsoft IE, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, hopefully any other browser also) that when the user clicks on a specific button it open a custom ACCESS program (xyz.accdb) and passes it an opening parameter then I close the Web page and the Access program does it's stuff.

Assume Access is installed properly in the usual default location and that the Access program in c:\xprog\xyz.accdb.

If you solution will work for may but not all browsers just let me know the limitations but I am seeking a method that will work with all browsers hopefully.

I can not get any more specific than that. What question do you have that you need answered to make this more specific?

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