dimanche 20 décembre 2015

xpathSApply function is not scapping proper data

i am new to r,, i want to scrape some data form olx.com but i couldn't get the required data except some data can any one help me in pointing out my mistakes and help me to fix them just got data of "title", "time", "city" i need price , category and many other things `library(XML) for(i in 1:2) { fileURL <- paste("http://ift.tt/1Zjnk9N",i, sep="")

doc <- htmlTreeParse(fileURL , useInternal = TRUE)

title <- xpathSApply(doc,"//h3[@class='large lheight20 margintop10']/a/span" , xmlValue)

price <- xpathSApply(doc, "//p[@class='price x-large margintop10']/strong",xmlValue)

detailLink <- xpathSApply(doc , "//h3[@class='large lheight20 margintop10']/a/@href")

category <- xpathSApply(doc , "//p[@class='color-9 lheight14 margintop3']/small" , xmlValue)

verified <- xpathSApply(doc , "//td[@class='wwnormal tright td-price']/span[@class='icon verified-num-pc-itempage marginright5']")

views <- xpathSApply(doc , "//div[@class='pdingtop10']/strong" , xmlValue)

date <- xpathSApply(doc, "//p[@class='color-9 lheight14 margintop3 small']" , xmlValue)

city <- xpathSApply(doc , "//p[@class='color-9 lheight14 margintop3']/small/span" , xmlValue)

description <- xpathSApply(doc , "//p[@class='pding10 lheight20 large']" , xmlValue)

dfrm <- data.frame(title = title,price = price ,city = city , date = date,detailLink = detailLink)

write.table(dfrm, file="tar.csv", append=TRUE, col.names = FALSE, sep = ',') }`

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