I am trying to use R Shiny with the Rvest package so when a date is selected as an input I can lookup a webpage based on it and scrape some of the data. When I input the full address it works but when I try and combine the reactive input$date I get an error message that I "cannon coerce type closure to vector or type character" I have been searching around and have been unable to find a solution. Still pretty new to shiny. Thanks
ui <- fluidPage(
label = 'Date Input: yyyy-mm-dd',
value = Sys.Date())
server <- function(input, output){
output$Name <- renderText({
ds <- reactive({input$date})
address <- paste0("http://ift.tt/1R9zGON",ds)
BBPress <- html(address)
Name <- BBPress %>%
html_node(".player-link") %>%
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
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