jeudi 3 septembre 2015

Web flow in Grails - confused

I have nothing but pain every time I touch web flow, I thought things might be more simple and understanable in the world of grails as apposed to Spring MVC but it seems not.

I have a simple situation where I want to start off a web flow with a prepopulated command object already in the flow scope when the first page of the web flow displays. The command object is basically going to hold copies of values form a domain object

heres my command object:

class PatientEditFlowCommand implements Serializable{

StepOneCommand stepOneCommand

PatientEditFlowCommand(Patient patient){

    stepOneCommand = new StepOneCommand(
            patientName : "${patient.appUser?.firstName} ${patient.appUser?.lastName}",
            patientDoctorId :,
            patientNurseId : patient.nurse?.id,
            patientStartDate : patient.startDate,
            patientEndDate : patient.endDate,
            patientDrugRegimeId: patient.regime?.id


static constraints = {


class StepOneCommand implements Serializable{

String patientName //wont be editable

Long patientDoctorId  //user id of assigned doctor
Long patientNurseId   //user id of assigned doctor

Date patientStartDate
Date patientEndDate

Long patientDrugRegimeId

static constraints = {
    patientDoctorId(nullable: false)
    patientNurseId(nullable: false)
    patientStartDate(nullable: false)
    patientEndDate(nullable: false)
    patientDrugRegimeId(nullable: false)

class StepTwoCommand implements Serializable{

static constraints = {


Heres my flow inside my controller:

    def newEditFlow = {

    init {
        //start the flow by transferring domain obj into a command object
        action {
            Patient patient = Patient.get(
            [patientEditFlowCommand:new PatientEditFlowCommand(patient)]
        on ("success"){

        }.to "stepOne"



        on("next") {





        on("next") {




        on("next") {




        on("next") {



        redirect(controller:'patient',action: "list")

but when i navigate to the first transtion I get this

Error 500: Internal Server Error

URI /ivfportal/patient/newEdit/3 Class java.lang.NullPointerException Message null Around line 74 of

71: }72:73: try {74: return super.resumeExecution(flowExecutionKey, context);75: }76: catch (FlowExecutionRestorationFailureException e) {77: if (e.getCause() instanceof SnapshotUnmarshalException) { Around line 53 of

50: request.setAttribute(GrailsApplicationAttributes.CONTROLLER, controllerInstance);51: }52:53: return super.handle(request, response, handler);54: }55:56: public void setGrailsApplication(GrailsApplication grailsApplication) { Around line 189 of

186: if (method == null) {187: log.debug("No cacheable method found for {}:{} {}",188: new Object[] { request.getMethod(), request.getRequestURI(), getContext() });189: chain.doFilter(request, response);190: return;191: }192: Collection cacheOperations = cacheOperationSource.getCacheOperations( Around line 63 of

60: try {61: // NO_FILTER set for RequestDispatcher forwards to avoid double gzipping62: if (filterNotDisabled(request)) {63: doFilter(request, response, chain);64: }65: else {66: chain.doFilter(req, res); Around line 45 of DevModeSanityFilter.groovy

42: response.contentType = "text/html"43: response.writer << RELOADING_DOC44: } else {45: chain.doFilter(request, response)46:47: if (request.getAttribute('resources.need.layout')) {48: def dispositionsLeftOver = DispositionsUtils.getRequestDispositionsRemaining(request) Around line 53 of

50:51: applyAnonymousForThisRequest((HttpServletRequest)req);52:53: chain.doFilter(req, res);54: }55:56: protected void applyAnonymousForThisRequest(HttpServletRequest request) { Around line 139 of RestAuthenticationFilter.groovy

anyone se where I'm going wrong ? Is there a simpler but still tidy way of collecting data over a multi page flow in Grails ?

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