vendredi 3 avril 2015

In performance test recording window page not loading successfully

I am new in Performance testing and face a odd situation to find the reason. I am testing a web application which developed with web api architecture using C#, angularJs and HTML. HTML call angular controller which call controller class of api project. api acts as communicator between frontend and BL.

Now where I stucked. After successful login home page will load with a menu which depends on access authority. With calling a angular function entire menu list [retrieve from db and converted in json data] get converted in HTML list. when i run my application normally its working properly. But inside recording window [I am recording step in performance test using VS2013] this list does not get populated.

I took a bypass. I pause the recording and repeate all step again and restart recording just after home page loading. But entire activity dies not solve purpose of testing.

I cant say my code is wrong as it is working properly in normal.

What may be the reason: In performance testing recording window dose not support runtime generate code. But I am not sure.

If any one has any information about this type of situation please share.

Thanks for your time.

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