dimanche 29 mars 2015

Sharepoint 2010 Content Web Editor Yahoo Weather

I'm trying to get this result: http://ift.tt/1EkoA4R

However, I'm still unable to get the yahoo weather to display.

First of all, I have already extracted the zip file and saved it in this folder structure:

Style Library/Scripts/ and dumped all the files in there.

Secondly, I used this code provided in the link above and saved it as YahooWeather.txt. Basically this is to invoke the yahoo weather.

<script src="http://ift.tt/t0Y3fx" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="http://ift.tt/1Ns64sX" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="http://mysharepointsite:8000/Style Library/Scripts/jquery.zweatherfeed.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
$('#weather').weatherfeed(['90210', '75201', '37201', '33101'], {}, function (e) {
vertical: true,
size: 1
interval: 3000


<div class="scrollable verticalweather">
<div id="weather" class="items" ></div>

<div class="navi" ></div>

Lastly, I added in the content web editor web part in http://mysharepointsite:8000/SitesPages/Home.aspx and for the content link, i added this url /Style Library/Scripts/YahooWeather.txt

However, nothing is displayed. Is it due to the wrong linkage of url?

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