vendredi 27 février 2015

How to keep new line when posting data to webapi with angularjs from textarea

I have html textarea field. When i have posted data from that field with AngularJS to WebApi I have lost new lines. For example I want to post to WebApi with angularjs string from textarea:

"cm8gQUQgU2tvcGplMQswCQYDVQQLDAJJyDERMA8GA1UEAwwIKi5ta2IubjswggEi MA0GzSqGSIb3DQE2AQUAA4IBDwAwggEKApIBAQC4VhdOMe7u3tsKykWEOjRG49uD p39tLAQls2HUnbx4IMmVfsLwE8aEwQ1cVmd80Ms4Et2GEC8WD6q7LRQ1jynqP5m/ l8+pr+RnoqGD6uF4PKf01ZTneO7DMC/yrWk++PvAG/Q7rKPv1mEY+8IGxjRjKX1M mFh6swc5OzDiD7j4w7I5lp6ouCwAhk1auNn+PQKBSkBl2oGJ"

How to post string to WebApi (with AngularJS) from html textarea untouched?

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