One of my websites contact/reservations form has suddenly stopped working and I now receive the following error.
Server object error 'ASP 0177 : 800401f3'
Server.CreateObject Failed
/contact2.asp, line 51
I've done a bit of research and it seems to relate to classic ASP commands but my knowledge of ASP is limited.
Here is the full code:-
name = request.form("name")
email = request.form("email")
phone = request.form("phone")
guests = request.form("guests")
datum2 = request.form("datum2")
info = request.form("info")
time_hour = request.form.item("time_hour")
time_minute = request.form.item("time_minute")
moda_event = request.form.item("modaEvent")
sign_up = request.form.item("signup")
If name="" or email="" Then
url = "reservations.asp?reqd=* indicates required field&name=" & mname & "&email=" & memail
If name="" Then
url = url & "&mname=*"
End if
If email="" Then
url = url & "&memail=*"
End if
response.redirect url & "&foobar=foobar#form"
End if
Dim objCDONTS ' Email object
Dim strFromName ' From persons' real name
Dim strFromEmail, strToEmail ' Email addresses
Dim strSubject, strName, strPhone, strEmail, strGuests, strDate, strHour, strMinute, strEvent, strInfo, strSignup 'Message
Dim misccompo
strSubject = "Reservation Form"
strFromName = Trim(Request.Form("name"))
strFromEmail = Trim(Request.Form("email"))
strToEmail = ""
strName = Trim(Request.Form("name"))
strPhone = Trim(Request.Form("phone"))
strEmail = Trim(Request.Form("email"))
strGuests = Trim(Request.Form("guests"))
strDate = Trim(Request.Form("datum2"))
strHour = Trim(Request.Form.Item("time_hour"))
strMinute = Trim(Request.Form.Item("time_minute"))
strEvent = Trim(Request.Form.Item("moda_event"))
strInfo = Trim(Request.Form("info"))
strSignup = Trim(Request.Form.Item("signup"))
**Set objCDONTS = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")**
objCDONTS.From = strFromName & " <" & strFromEmail & ">"
objCDONTS.To = strToEmail
objCDONTS.Subject = strSubject
objCDONTS.Body = "--------------------------------------" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & "Name: " & strName & vbcrlf & "Contact Number: " & strPhone & vbcrlf & "Email Address: " & strEmail & vbcrlf & "No. of Guests: " & strGuests & vbcrlf & "Date: " & strDate & vbcrlf & "Time: " & strHour & ":" & strMinute & vbcrlf & "Event: " & strEvent & vbcrlf & "Additional Info: " & vbcrlf & strInfo & vbcrlf & "Newsletter Signup: " & strSignup &vbcrlf & "--------------------------------------------------------------" & vbcrlf & "MESSAGE ENDS: End of info"
Set objCDONTS = Nothing
response.redirect "thank-you.asp"
I have ** the line 51 error.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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