vendredi 29 octobre 2021

My website keeps loading indefinitely after 3 operations

i can't understand why my site after 3 operations goes into a literally infinite loop. i am using eclipse and i am hosting the server with tomcat, as database i use workbench. The server initially does not give errors, or so it seems for the first two operations, but then as soon as I perform the third operation the site does not respond and goes into infinite upload (I attach photos and code).

I don't think it's a code problem, maybe it will be Tomcat max cache? I've been banging my head for more than 3 days but I just can't solve it, finally I don't have any kind of error inside the Eclipse console, and the only way to get my site up and running is to totally restart the tomcat server.

enter image description here

This is my code: (download the zip,databse is included)

I already thank those who will help me or who at least had some time to read this post, thanks!

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