mercredi 31 octobre 2018

java swagger example String post body

I'm documenting a project through of swagger and I have a problem. I have many methods that uses "@RequestBody String json", that is I receive the body of post though a String. I would like to show a "example" of the String that I'm waiting to recived.

@ApiOperation(value = "Lista os riscos de um paciente.")
@RequestMapping(value = "/pacienteRiscoFiltro/{token}", method = RequestMethod.POST, consumes = { "text/plain" })
public RetornoPaginadoDTO postPacienteRiscoFiltro(
        @ApiParam("Body of post") @RequestBody String json) {
    //... code of method

Image example

I would to change of "String" to any other text.

Someone have any ideia how can I do this?

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