mercredi 31 octobre 2018

Creating multiple tables in ReactJS

I'm in the process of learning ReactJS. Right now I'm learning how tables work. Right now, I have a single working table that is loaded with JSON data, but I want to create a second table. Right now I keep running into this error:

Module build failed: D:/Documents/Web Programming/React/my-app/src/App.js: Duplicate declaration "Table"

I've tried to rename the Table class, but that throws additional errors. What would be the best way to handle multiple tables using this approach?

import React, { Component } from "react";
import "./CSS/App.css";
import Table1 from "./Table1";
import Axios from 'axios';
import CoinTable from './components/coin-table'
import coinData from './data/coins.json'
//import DBConfig from "./API/DBConfig"; // can't do because you need to have the api 

// creates a "template" of the components that will be used
// Header and Content need to be capitalized in order to work
class App extends Component
    return( // left paren has to go there otherwise it'll fail out

class Header extends Component
        <center><h1>Learning React</h1></center>

class Content extends Component {
    return (
           <p>The content text!!</p>

// coin information table
class Table extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <div className="App">
        <p className="Table-header">Coin Information</p>
        <Table1 data={coinData}/>

// Actor information table
class Table extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <div className="App2">
        <p className="Table-header">Actor Table</p>

export default App;

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